Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Surname Changed While Still a Baby

I just found out my surname was changed before I was one year old to my father's surname [surname removed]. So my question is this, which do I use as the true me in a numerology reading and how much of an impact can this have to the out come. Also having taken my husband's surname [surname removed], for so much longer than the other two (nearly 33yrs) have more of an impact on ones life as opposed to any other. Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology readings and charts contain numbers that represent energy. The energy is interpreted for the number at the chart position where the numerology calculations placed the number. The interpretation indicates how the energy can affect who you are and/or your life experiences.

Which name you use for numerology readings won't change who you actually are. You are who you are, regardless which numerology reading you get and regardless whether or not you get any numerology reading at all. Numerology readings are a view and an interpretation, not something that makes you different simply because you obtained the reading — unless you change your perception of yourself because of the reading.

Numerology readings reveal the tendencies and what is probable for names and birth dates. With three different names, you can obtain, for your reference, the tendencies and probabilities of all three.

The name's energies that are the most prominent or likely to have the most strength depends on a several things.

The energies represented by the name as first recorded at birth will be with you all your life. They might or might not be prominent, but will be present to some degree.

The energies represented by the name you most identify yourself with generally are the most prominent and likely to have the most strength or impact. Probably this is your married name, as you've used it longer than the name you had while growing up. But it does depend on what name you think of yourself as.

Something else that may affect the strength of certain energies are cyclic numbers when they are identical to the major name numbers of one of the names you've had.

As an example, your life period cycle number is the number 6 until you reach age 57. The number 6 is the destiny number of your birth name. During the term of the number 6 life period cycle, which began during the year you reached 30 years of age, the connection is likely to have stimulated the resonance of the energies represented by your birth name. The numerology readings for the birth name probably seem to apply at least in part to your current life, and they're likely to apply less after age 57.

To answer your question, and assuming you know yourself as your married name more than as your childhood name, use your married name when obtaining numerology readings. Usually. Readings for comparing birth names with other names, for nick names, for family names, for first names, and other specialized readings would require appropriate information.

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