Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Date of Birth at GMT or IST
I was born in India at 01:05 A.M. IST and the date was 19th March, but according to GMT it was 18th March on that time. When I calculate and read the numerological reports, putting 18th of March 1986 instead of 19th, the report is much authentic and resembles with my life. My question is which date should I follow to make my numerological readings? Thank You.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The date difference does change your numerology profile, a lot. For one of the dates (19th), the life path is the number 1 and for the other (18th) the life path is the number 9. All cycle numbers are affected. As are the challenges.
Generally, I would suggest that the local date at birth is the correct date for numerology calculations.
However, because the reading is more relevant when you use the GMT date, it's the date to use. According to your observations, it's the most practical for the immediate period.
It would be prudent to get readings for both dates every several years. As the cycle numbers in your chart change, the local date may become more relevant.
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