Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage
Will We Remain Happily Married?
[partner birth date and name removed] We have been together 10 years. I officially and legally changed my name to [new name removed] in 2008. Will we remain happily married?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
You've had the new name long enough for its energies to fully integrate with you. That is assuming the new name is who you first think of yourself as whenever your thoughts refer to the name of the person you are.
Although using the birth name for numerology readings is foundational, with your new name's full integration it could help understanding to also get a reading using it.
To determine whether or not you'll remain happily married would require psychic perception. It's outside the realm of the subject of numerology and I'm unprepared to respond to that particular question. (Although some numerology practitioners also use personal psychic abilities to assist with their readings.) The Numerology and Psychic Interpretations article has more information in that regard.
What it really comes down to is, regardless what's said or predicted about it, your actions and your partner's actions plus your feelings and attitudes regarding each other will largely determine whether or not you'll remain happily married. I see nothing in your numerology charts to indicate otherwise.
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