Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage

Getting Married Late This Year

We are planning to get married late this year. This is year 6 for me and year 9 for him. Is it ok to get married this year or shall we postpone till next? Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Although the numerology number 9 is associated with endings, the endings are what have to happen for new beginnings soon thereafter (perhaps following a short reorientation period). Therefore, getting married during a personal year number 9 tends to be auspicious, an activity that resonates well with the number.

During a personal year number 6 is also a good time time to get married. The number 6, among other things, is about home and family.

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