Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage

I Want To Know That I Will Marry Her

I just want to know my marriage date and is it arranged or Love. Actually I love someone whose name is [name removed] and her DOB is [birth date removed]. I want to know that will I marry her.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I can not use numerology to predict whether or not you will marry her. The action is a decision between you and her and, perhaps, your families. What you decide takes precedence over any numerology or other prediction.

Use the Marriage Compatibility Calculator to see how compatible you are or are not.

I see the number 5 is the major number both of you have in common. The 5 is a number of changes and new experiences, rather unpredictable, actually.

The other major numbers are not as compatible. But with the 5's present, is is likely you two can make a happy and successful go of it. Especially if you (you have the most 5's) adjust your life to what she sees as ideal.

Her 6 name number is perfect for home and harmony and her 2 birth date number is perfect for a partnership. She will insist on trying to understand you before committing to a marriage relationship. Be patient, give her the time she needs, and accept the decision she makes, whether "yes" or "no."

If you and her decide to go ahead with it, use the Predict Likely Marriage Dates With Numerology page to predict the most likely marriage dates. Do one reading with your birth date and one reading with hers. The dates/periods that overlap the two readings are the most likely dates.

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