Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage
Profession, Marriage Date, Partner Name

I born at [location removed]. I want to know which profession is best for me and when I will get married and also want to know her name.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The first part of your question, about the best profession, might be answered with the Career Suggestions Tool. It responds with one or more lists of the types of professions that are compatible with your personal numerology chart.
The lists can be used to help determine a profession that is likely to be satisfying. Because only you know what you mean by "best", it must be up to you to determine what it is.
The second part of your question, about when you will get married, depends on when you and your betrothed decide, with perhaps input from family and clergy. Numerology does not compel marriages to occur at certain times.
The Likely Marriage Dates tool can provide a list of dates that are more personally conducive to marriage than other dates. These are not predeterminations, but simply dates with a personal resonance closer to marriage than other dates.
It may be nice if it did, but numerology does not find or determine marriage partners for people. When you find who you will marry, then you will know her name.
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