Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage

Effect of New Married Name

I am married and will be changing my name to [name removed]. [name removed] is my mothers name and [name removed] is my husbands surname. I am worried that my name change will not be suitable for me. I have been reading articles online and most of them say name changes can actually bring negative qualities. None of them give advice on how to know if you are making a name change that will benefit your birth name. I do not want to change my last name if it means changing things for the worse. Can you clarify is this name change would be a good idea? Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The numerology energies of your birth name will be with you to some extent through any name changes.

The longer a new name is used and the more life is lived as the person who is named such, the stronger the energies of the new name and the more they have an effect. But the energies of the birth name never disappear altogether.

The articles linked from the name change index page have useful information.

Your birth name and your proposed marriage name are mostly compatible.

The heart's desire number is identical in both names, the number 5, as compatible as it gets.

The destiny number is different for the two names, number 6 for the birth name and number 9 for the proposed marriage name. Numbers 6 and 9 are numerologically compatible.

The personality number for the two names, however, are somewhat incompatible. The number 1 (of the birth name), among other things, is focused on immediately making something of itself, so to speak. The number 4 (of the proposed marriage name), among other things, is focused on creating a secure foundation for the future with, generally, the connotation that the foundation is for family or others the number 4 is responsible for.

Consult the compatible and incompatible numbers chart to see the degree of compatibility or incompatibility of the name numbers for the two names.

Changing your name to the proposed marriage name is likely to affect only the way you approach life, your stance, the way you present yourself to people. Those are some of the aspects that the personality number reveals.

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