Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage
Is This the Right Time to Marry?
I am going to marry early 2019 with [name removed], his birthday is [birth date removed]. Is this the right time to marry? How are we doing next year?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There is no universal right or wrong time to marry. However, some dates resonate more with you and your betrothed's numerology charts.
Those dates can be considered favorable.
Find the dates by using the free online predict likely marriage dates tool. This is how to do it.
First, use the tool with your information. Save the results or make a note of the dates.
Second, use the tool with your betrothed's information. Save those results or make a note of those dates.
Now, compare the dates of the two results. The dates that overlap both results can be considered favorable dates.
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