Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance

Three Digits of Phone Number

Image for 'Three Digits of Phone Number' numerology answer

I was in a 3 year relationship with a man I thought we'd end up marrying. Approximately a year ago, we broke up. (We broke up for three days and got back together in the past). After the initial break up, he reached out to me and we chatted for a few weeks. He later notified me he had a girlfriend and I decided to stop communication for I thought). A year elapses and throughout that year, often I would see three digits of his phone number (617) on the clock am or pm and sometimes on paper. This would happen quite unexpected, whereas I wasn't "looking" for it. A few months ago I saw his daughter's Facebook post his wedding pictures. I shook me to my core. He didn't even look happy and has gained weight. Everything about that wedding wasn't "him" (especially after he told me he wasn't going to get married anytime soon or at all). Fast forward to current day, out of the blue, he texts me to ask how I was. I was caught completely off guard. After all, he's married! His text indicates that he wasn't reevaluating his situation and determining his next move (code name: marriage). After an accidental call, he calls me back and tells me that it should of been me he married. He continues to say that he made a mistake marrying "her," he still misses me and he realizes now what he lost, apologizes for his wrong doings etc. I've been waiting to hear this and now it's reality, it's crazy! (He also wants to remain in communication.) My feelings are still present so who knows what will happen in the future after he resolves his marriage. Thus what is the purpose of seeing these 3 digits? Could that be he's my true soulmate?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It seems that when a person is desperately looking for answers, they'll assign significance to anything that might provide clues.

I can talk about seeing the number 617. And the Finding Your Soul Mate article may provide information you can use to help resolve your soul mate question.

A person sees many numbers during the course of a day. Only a few, if any, are remembered.

Some numbers are notable and cause a person to remember them. Rarely are those numbers looked for. The number just happens to be a number in their environment. The person either associates meaning or significance to the number, which causes them to remember seeing it, or they are otherwise surprised or startled enough to remember seeing it.

The number 617 is likely to fall into the "meaning or significance" category. It would make it likely that you will remember seeing the number when it occurs in your environment.

The other questions I sense in your query can't be calculated for reliable answers using traditional numerology. Perhaps a psychic or tarot reader can help with those.

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