Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance

Partnership With Matching/Mirrored Numbers

Image for 'Partnership With Matching/Mirrored Numbers' numerology answer

Hi there, my partner and I have matching/mirrored numbers for all of our numerology charts. E,g: the same life path number, same personality number, same heart number, same birth day number, etc. We don't share the same birthday and we're born in different years. Our names are not similar either. Does this have a significant meaning? I feel like it does. When we first met, it was like we already knew each other and I could feel there was a big importance around him coming into my life. Any information would be really appreciated. Thank u so much xo

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

When people with many of the same numbers meet, they are likely to be comfortable with each other and experience feelings of somehow knowing each other. They may also determine that there is, or wonder if there is, significant meaning there.

Numerology is a practice for individuals. There are calculations for compatibility between people for various types of relationships (marriage, business partnership, siblings, ...), but primarily the focus for numerology is on individuals.

There are no numerology calculations for the kind of meanings you are asking about. The meanings tend to be subjective. Subjective meanings is an area where numerology definitely does not fit.

You and your partner are likely to have high scores with marriage and romance compatibility calculators. Both of those are listed at the free online numerology tools page. You may also find other calculators there of interest to yourself and/or your partner.

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