Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance
Compatibility of Life Path 7 and Life Path 2
I have met someone. But he is a 7 and I am a 2 life path. I read it's incompatible. Which numbers show compatibility in people and are they always found true? I like this guy :)
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
To determine numerology compatibility for relationships, numerous aspects of the numerology chart of each partner are considered. Considering only one aspect can lead a person to false conclusions.
If you wish to do your own compatibility calculations, consider each of the three name numbers in addition to the life path number. The table at the Compatible and Incompatible Numbers page can be used to determine compatibility of any set of two single-digit numbers.
A marriage compatibility calculator is also available.
Note that numerological compatibility isn't necessary for happiness. Use numerology as a guide, not as a mistress or master. Free will is always more important than the tendencies and likelihoods revealed with numerology.
And one more thing. Some incompatibility can be considered a good thing. Full compatibility is likely to lead to boredom as there's little the partners can learn from each other.
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