Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance

Life Path Soul Mates

Hello! The man I love (we broke up, he left me) and I have the same life path. We both have life path 33. May that mean that we are soulmates? And do we have any chance to get back together? Thank You in advance! His name is [name removed] and he was born in [birth date removed].

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

To calculate the life path number, first calculate the numbers of the month, day, and year. In your case, the results are 3, 3, and 9.

Then, add those three results together for the final result. In your case, the final result is 15 (3+3+9=15). The number 15 is then reduced to a single digit, resulting in the number 6. The life path tool can be used to automatically calculate the life path number.

Whether or not two people are soul mates is answered by whether or not the two feel they are soul mates. Identical numbers in the same numerology chart position may make the feeling more likely, but it's not a sure thing. Soul mates may have very different charts — each providing energies to the relationship that the other has little of as an individual.

The answer to your chance of getting back together is best obtained by talking to him. Of course, there's always a chance for anything that's possible. But to determine if there's a reasonable chance for a relationship requires his input.

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