Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance
When I'll Meet My Soul Mate
I was married twice. The first time was to [name removed], born [date removed]. We were married [date removed]. J. (name abbreviated for privacy) and I divorced in [date removed]. The second time was to my now late husband, [name removed], born [date removed]. date of wedding, [date removed]. M. (name abbreviated for privacy) and I divorced in [date removed] and we remarried [date removed]. Date of his death was [date removed]. Were either of them my soul mate or is my soul mate still out there and when will I meet him and know that he is my soul mate?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your question, I believe, contains a false premise. I sense that you assume there can be only one person that's your soul mate.
This can result in angst when romantically attracted to someone — wondering if the person is really the right one — and result in missing the total experience of wonderful relationships.
Finding your soul mate has pertinent information about meeting your soul mate.
There are three major chart positions when analyzing a name using numerology. With the number 9 at each of those positions, you're likely to perceive the overview of situations and desires and pay less attention to the specifics required for the situations to resolve themselves and the desires to be met. The soul mate article linked in the previous paragraph is likely to provide you with useful information.
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