Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance
Relationship Over 2 Years Has not Materialized
I have been in a relationship a little over 2 years ago for unnecessary reasons the relationship has not materialized which I accepted and moved away from the person but I have not been able to get myself over this person even though I have been as logical and practical as can be. As per various websites and methodology we are meant to be compatible I.e.numerology, astrology, Chinese astrology so I'm not sure if this person is my soulmate and I should pursue it or am I just clinging on to an illusion. His name is [birth name removed] date of birth is [birth date removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
His numerology life path number is the same as your numerology destiny number, the number 6. Your life path number is the same as his numerology heart's desire number and his personality number, the number 1.
The common numbers in major positions is likely to be one reason for your attraction to him.
The number 6 is a number of home and harmony. The number 1 is a number of self-determination and self-reliance.
A good compatibility quotient does not ensure love, or attraction, or even a happy life. It is only a compatibility quotient, an indication of how much of [those things that were tested] you have in common or don't have in common.
If you'll take the names and birth dates of a dozen or so of your friends (both male and female) and obtain compatibility quotients the same way you did for the one you are most interested in, I'm certain you'll find good compatibility quotients with at least some of them, perhaps even one or more better quotients than with the one you are interested in.
The point is that a good compatibility quotient is no indication of what kind of relationship will exist or even if there will be any relationship at all. Relationships are created by people who desire a relationship, regardless what the compatibility quotient is or is not.
See the numerology and compatibile relationships article for information about several different types of relationships – and why it may be desirable to be less than 100% compatible.
Whether or not you should pursue the person you are interested in is your decision. I can not make that decision for you.
Consider something: For most people, there is more than one person who could be their soulmate. It is not a cruel game where a person must find the only one there is or life is ruined. On the contrary, there generally are many who, if people made a real committed relationship, would qualify as "my soulmate."
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