Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance

Romance and the Number 14

Me and my boyfriend have the number 14 associated a lot with us and we are both wondering if it could mean anything as it crops up alot around us. Examples of this include: We got together on valentines day (14th Feb) in 2008. Both our lucky numbers are 7 7+7=14. Also, our dates of birth equal the same number as well 17 - 3. His name is [name] dob: [date]. Can you help us at all as we both really feel this number is connected to us both somehow and for some reason. Many thanks, Sophie :)

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

14 is a good number. Its resonance is the freedom to be flexible and the capacity to grow substantially.

The vowel number of a name is said to be the heart's desire. I don't see the number 14 in either of your individual profiles. However, Phillip's heart's desire number is 1 and your heart's desire number is 4.

The number 1 in that position indicates a desire to be a leader or to research and independently discover something great. The number 4 in that position indicates a desire to build a strong foundation for the future.

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