Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Compatibility

Compatibility With Friends

Good day. I'm confused about those names "[names and birth dates removed]" what their relationship in my life? And do I need them to be always on my side... Thank you very much and please remove their names and birthdays, when you respond my question.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With your life path number being the number 2, events and circumstances tend to be about relationships. Any kind of relationship, from intimate to social to co-worker.

And with your destiny number being the number 7, you tend to feel a strong desire to figure things out and you tend to look inward for anwers.

Therefore, your question isn't surprising. Unfortunately, I'm unable to predict what their relatinships will be to you or whether you need them. What the relationships will be does depend on what you and they agree to. Whether or not you need them will depend on you, your consideration of who you are and what you need.

There's one compatibility calculator at our sister numerology site, the Marriage Compatibility Calculator. If you're thinking about a long term relationship, it's a good calculator to use.

For other compatibilities — friend, romance, etc — use the professional numerology calculator and compare their numbers to yours. The numbers compatibility table at Compatible and Incompatible Numbers can be consulted for determining personal compatibility.

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