Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Compatibility
Compatible, But In a Different Relationship
Just want to know why numerology says that me and [name removed] born on [birth date removed] are compatible but he's with his ex-girlfriend [name removed] born [birth date removed], and happy I guess, while I'm miserable and very sad like I'm missing a leg or arm?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I am sorry for your misery.
Unfortunately, compatibility doesn't come with commitment or guarantees. Nor is it exclusive. And there is no effective proclamation that only fully-compatible people can have a fulfilling relationship.
Most people are numerologically compatible with many, many people. I haven't done the numbers for averaging, but probably every person is numerologically compatible with at least one of every ten people living on earth. It depends on how compatibility is determined, but probably at least that many.
A relationship is likely to experience more fulfillment and growth when there are aspects of their persons or life paths that are incompatible. The differences within incompatible aspects can be filled with growth and learning. Aspects that are fully compatible don't have that difference to be filled. When nothing is being filled, there's no further fulfillment.
With the number 7 as both your heart's desire number and your destiny number, I realize you're likely drawn to people and things you perceive as perfect, or the closest to perfect. It's one aspect of the energies the number 7 represents.
Seeing many people and things as perfect or close to perfect can expand horizons, bring more opportunities, and result in a luckier life.
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