Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Compatibility

Questions About Relationship and Self

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So, tell me about my relationship with [name and birth data removed]. Will we be together for lifetime? Are we compatible? When will I get married? How's my future?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The first of your four questions isn't something that can be reliably answered with numerology calculations. What it comes down to is this: Whether or not you and the person you refer to are together for lifetime depends on what the two of you agree to and do.

The other three questions can be responded to with results from numerology calculations.

There's an online marriage compatibility calculator at our sister web site. There is also a relationship compatibility calculator, in case you're more interested in romantic compatibility than marriage compatibility (they can be different).

Use one of those calculators to obtain an interpretation of your compatibility.

A likely marriage dates tool is also available. Get a list of dates for yourself and also for the person you have in mind to marry. See which dates are on both lists. Those will be the dates that are more likely for your marriage than other dates.

For your future, there are a lot of considerations, a lot of things to consult. Go to the What Does My Future Hold? article and you'll see a list of things you can do to help you determine tendencies and likelihoods.

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