Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
The Number 11 and Repeating Sequences
Why do I see the number 11 everywhere? I have recently begun to notice that this a common occurrence. Every day when I look at the time, I notice it has an 11 in it. I usually seem to catch 11:11 AM and PM and most days also see 1:11. There are a lot of times where I will also catch a repeating sequence of numbers such as 3:33 or 4:44 etc. There have been numerous occasions where I have woken up in the middle of the night at 3:33 almost like something is telling me to wake up. Throughout the day, no matter what hour, whenever I check the time it has an 11 in it. On top of this, not long ago, I noticed that when I was younger and more involved with sports, I would always pick number 11. Its almost like I would do this subconsciously because I knew that the number 11 held some sort of importance. I always wonder if this number is attracted to me more than others and if so, for what reason? For a while I was freaked out by always seeing similar number patterns, but discovering numerology and spirituality has opened my eyes and reassured me that all of this is much more than just a "coincidence." Thanks for whatever explanation you can give!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 11 is prominent in your numerology chart, in three important chart locations.
The destiny number, the personality number, and the life path number are all the master number 11. Read Four Meanings of the Master Number 11 for how the number represents different aspects of its energy in different numerology chart locations.
The number 11 is, among other things, highly spiritual. It may be a sensitivity to its energies that attracted you to the number at a younger age.
See Master Numbers and Potential for more information about master numbers.
Seeing the repetitive numbers may be an influence of seeing the number 11 as often as you do. Because 11 is a repetitive number, you recognize other repetitive numbers.
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