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I Keep Seeing the Number 823

Why do I keep seeing the number 823 btw this is my daughters birthday, but lately it is always popping up, clock, cell phone, etc. Thank you for your answer.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Probably 823 is seen as often as it is because, as you mentioned, it is your daughter's birthday.

Numbers a person is consciously associated with, like birthdays, are more likely to be noticed than other numbers.

Many numbers are in the environments we live in.

Our conscious attention is more likely to notice numbers that are associated with personal meaning. Once noticed, we are then more likely to remember the event because it does in fact involved numbers with personal meaning.

Because seeing non-meaningful numbers is less likely to be remembered, it can seem that the ones that are being remembered are the only ones that are being seen.

A person then may wonder why. There may be a search for a reason, perhaps anticipating a special message or personal revelation. This sets up a mystery.

The mind is compelled to solve mysteries, especially the most pressing. When it involves seeing a certain number, the number becomes even more immersed in significance, which makes it even more likely to be seen, and the seeing more likely to be remembered.

Your destiny number and your power number are both the master number 11. The master number 11 is a spiritual and a philosophical number. With the number 11 comes wondering about the reasons why more than most other numbers do.

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