Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
11 Keeps Popping Up On Everything
I keep seeing the number 11 every time I look to see time on the clock. It keeps popping up on everything I'll look at it and the numerology world why this keeps happening?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The wondering about why it keeps happening probably makes it happen more often. When there's a mystery, a person's attention is more likely to be pulled to things related to the mystery.
Two of your three major name numbers are the number 11. Like tends to attract like. Which may be why you first began to notice that you are seeing the number 11 more often than would be expected. If you then wondered about it, it may well have started the cycle of seeing the number again and again, wondering more about what it means, and seeing the number still more often.
Your life period cycle is represented by the number 22. There are three life period cycles. Your last two are both represented by the number 22.
The numbers 22 and 11 are both spiritual numbers when they represent important numerology chart positions like life period cycles. 11 and 22 are master numbers in numerology. The two are highly compatible.
With the spiritual number 11 in two major name chart positions and an important birthdate-related cycle spiritual number 22, it's not surprising that seeing a number as often as you do feels like it must have meaning.
If you feel there's personal meaning to your seeing the number 11 so often, beyond the ability of numerology to calculate, the articles linked within the index to repetitively seeing certain numbers page may help.
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