Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
02:20, 02:02, 03:33, 06:06, 09:09, 11:11
From last 1 or 2 months when I am looking at the clock, I am seeing this kind of time- 02:20/
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your three major numerology name numbers are all the same (the number 9). Therefore, it's no surprise that you're sensitive to number repetitions and series of numbers.
Your birthdate number is a 7, which tends to make you look inward for answers.
I can't say it's not some kind of sign, because it might be. Addressing signs is outside the realm of numerology.
However, there may be other reasons. As an example, the more you wonder about those kinds of sequences, the more you will notice them. Other possible reasons are mentioned in the articles linked from this page.
In essence, what one wonders about is a mystery. Mysteries urge the subconscious to try to help provide answers. One way it does that is to direct the conscious attention to related things in the environment.
So when a person sees a certain sequence of numbers and wonders about it, then the subconscious tends to cause you to notice the same sequence more often.
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