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Mother and Daughter Both See 5:17 Repeatedly

I have been seeing 5:17 on the clock regularly for several years and it's my youngest daughter's birth date. What does this mean? She also sees it often. Today I left to go pick her up and looked at the clock ... sure enough it was 5:17. Today is actually her birthday, but this happens all the time.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your numerology chart contains the number 5, but not the number 17. That rules out an inherent attraction to 5:17 from resonance with numbers in your chart.

It's more likely that you are attracted to 5:17 simply because it's your daughter's birth date. Your daughter also seeing 5:17 repeatedly is likely to be because she, too, resonates with numbers of her birthdate.

Or, it may be because of your reference to it, which could have predisposed her to noticing the time, or vice versa.

Wondering why or wondering if there's a special personal meaning can cause the seeing of the number more often than would otherwise be the case. Wondering about it sets up a mystery. This causes a person to see the number more often, which solidifies the mystery, causing even more seeings. See the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article for an explanation of how that works.

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