Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Numbers Containing the Digit 3

I too look at the clock everyday at 3:13. Otherwise it may be 3:33. So many places I've lived contained 303 in the address. Three's follow me in other ways as well. What is up?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'll talk about the numerology meaning of the number 3 in a moment. But first...

There are only 9 digits, 10 if zero is included. There is little variety, not much to pick from.

When a person realizes they notice a certain number more than others, it stimulates interest or curiosity. Which then causes the person, perhaps subconsciously, to be alert for that number.

When one is alert for a certain number, it tends to be seen more often than others. Even when other numbers are present in the environment as much as the one being focused on.

Because the digit 3 is in the composition of each of the numbers you are seeing more than others, I'll assume the number 3 is what has your attention.

The numerology number 3 has to do with artistic expression and social interaction. It is an inspiring number.

The only major position of your current numerology profile with the number 3 is the numerology personality number. This number is calculated from the consonants of your name.

The numerology personality number 3 makes this likely:

In your quiet moments, contemplating yourself and daydreaming, you imagine yourself as popular, attractive, and sought after. You are successful in one or more artistic fields – designing, decorating, painting, acting, singing, sculpting, or related arts. A guest list is not complete without your name. You are applauded for your talents and spread happiness wherever you go. It all comes natural to you.

Your thoughts and pleasure are related to seeding happiness and personal recognition of your artistic talents.

Perhaps your notice of numbers containing the digit 3 more often than expected has something to do with the numerology personality number 3.

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