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Lots of 11's After Getting Married

I got married, hyphenated my name and suddenly I am seeing 11 in my life everywhere. We just bought a house, the address is 2311. I noticed this at first everyday with the clock at 9:11, morning and night. Then it started with tons of number combos. Then I realized that the new year was 2011. I looked it up and noticed that the number 11 is important for spirituality and at this time in my life things are coming together. There has been a great deal of change over the last year, all good change, for the better, but certainly hard work. This number issue started to come up as the hardest parts of this time were peaking, and now the fruits of the labor are beginning to materialize, but the 11s keep trying to tell me something. I think the message it positive, but I am intrigued by your site, and your assessments. My new legal name is [name removed] and if it matters we were married on 09-04-10. Thanks so much! Happy New Year!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The month and year you got married was perfect for your numbers. Your heart's desire (name vowels) is a number 3, which has to do with self-expression, creativity, friendliness, and social interaction.

On the date of your marriage, your personal year number was a 3 and your personal month number was a 3. Very nice synchronicity.

Just thought I would mention that, because the heart's desire number of your new name is also a 3.

Now, let's look at the number 11.

Your life path (birth date) number is 11. You have more energy and intuition than most people. You are apt to be a source of inspiration and illumination. You inspire people, that's what you do.

The number 11 is highly spiritual. There is little material interest in the vibration, mostly spiritual.

11 is a teacher, and a channel for information from the spiritual realm.

11 is not an easy number, especially if there there is personal hesitance or opposition from others. In order for the 11 to resonate with its full spiritual magic, your intuition and insight and understanding of others needs acceptance and room to exist within you.

Other words that describe the vibrations of the number 11 are inventor, artist, teacher, healer, spiritual leader, and mystic.

This is now year 2011, the number 11 resonating with your life path. Year 2011 is a personal year number 4 for you, a number of getting to work and building something for the future, a foundation upon which the next decade or more can build.

The vibrations of the personal year number generally start having an influence around October of of the previous year, September being a 9 month and conducive to the completion of cycles. That fact, along with the life-changing event of getting married may have juggled things around enough for your life path number 11 to impose itself on your consciousness.

Happy New Year to you, too. May it be a highly satisfying spiritual time.

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