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I Keep Seeing Recurring Numbers

Image for 'I Keep Seeing Recurring Numbers' numerology answer

I keep seeing reoccurring numbers..the last 2 days 11:11 4444 404 but since the day before 11/11/20. 1111 1:01,11:10,1121 act.. then almost every time I send a message or look at the date or clock or a price tag or a app number there is always doubles of a number eg: 212,222,313,414,545,606,355 etc. I try to keep track and look it up but it's time consuming and still doesn't tell me why I'm seeing so many different variations and I'm at a loss ... Help

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Let's look at it as presented below because it is likely to answer your question — perhaps not in a way you are looking for or suppose it must be, but answer it nevertheless.

You see many numbers during the course of a day. Lots and lots. Some of those numbers you remember seeing, the ones with recurring digits in their composition. The more mundane numbers you do not remember seeing.

So the question is, out of all the numbers you see, why do you remember seeing only certain particular numbers?

The answer is that when you see a number with recurring digits, you notice it more than you notice other numbers. Because you give numbers with recurring digits extra mental attention at the instant you see them, you remember seeing those numbers more than you remember seeing mundane numbers.

In other words, you remember seeing numbers with recurring digits because you give them more mental attention at the moment you see them than you give to others.

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