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Seeing 5 and 27 Literally Anywhere

Ever since me and my boyfriend of 2.5 years have broken up I see the numbers 5:27 everywhere. It doesn't matter where I am, I always see it whether it's on the clock or literally ANYWHERE. We started dating on May 27th 2012. My parents also got divorced on that day a couple of years before that. It's freaking me out.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, I can see how it would freak you out.

There are many numbers in pretty much everybody's environment. The numbers you see most often, and remember seeing, are numbers that already have personal meaning for you — the more personal meaning, the more likely they are to be seen and the seeing remembered.

For some people, it's their birth dates. For you, it's two highly personal anniversaries of the same month and day. Not only do they have personal meaning, they're emotionally significant.

It's no wonder you're seeing the numbers as often as you do.

There's also another reason described in the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article. After a person wonders if often seeing a certain number means there's a special message or meaning just for them, that's when they start seeing the number even more often.

The number 5 and the number 27 are in no significant positions of your numerology chart. I'm virtually certain you're seeing the numbers as often as you are because of the personal meaning and emotional significance they represent for you. It's an attraction that tends to direct your conscious attention to them whenever they're in your environment and seeable.

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