Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Date and Time of My Dog's Death

My dog of 14 years died 5/21/2013 at 11:25am. What is the meaning behind his time of death and the date? I believe angels are trying to tell me something in these numbers.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss.

Yes, I can write about the meaning of the numbers. Perhaps you'll find a clue to a message.

The Date.

The essence of the number 5 is adventure and expression of personal freedom. Curiosity and exploration are also part of it.

The essence of the number 21 is creative self expression, optimism, and tolerance. It is a social number.

The essence of the number 2013 is the ideas of home, harmony, and idealism.

The essence of the number representing the date as a whole, 5212013, is new experiences. The essence is similar to the number 5, because it includes adventure and expression of personal freedom. But it also has some essence relating to teamwork and diplomacy.

The Time.

The essence of the number 11 is spirituality. It also vibrates with intuition and charisma and is a teaching number.

The essence of the number 25 is introspection. It, too, is a spiritual number. The number's essence includes intuition and wisdom.

The essence of the number representing the time as a whole, 1125, is compassion, tolerance, and idealism.

Both Together.

The number representing the date and time together, 52120131125, is similar to that of the number 5. It is a number of change, new experiences, and adventure.

I hope this has helped.

By the way, your pinnacle number will change next year to the number 7. It is a number of looking inward for answers and a number of connection to ancient wisdom. The number 7 pinnacle will be with you for the rest of your life.

A pinnacle is an boost of a special potential made available to a person.

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