Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Dates and Numbers Saying Things

Image for 'Dates and Numbers Saying Things' numerology answer

Hello everybody! Thanks for taking the time to read my question. So, I was browsing through my old blog, and I just noticed that a very significant event happened in my life on 12/21/2010. I never cared about these number patterns or numerology, but in the past 1 year I've been seeing them a LOT (first 11:11, then recently these other doubled and mirrored numbers started appearing with a frequency that's almost scary...), and now when I randomly opened this blogpost, I immediately noticed these numbers. (I don't know if that helps, but another event in relation to this took place on 12/31/2016). Can someone please tell me if these numbers say anything at all? Thank you in advance.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology numbers represent certain energy. The energy can be interpreted for various aspects of numerology charts. Links to general interpretations for over a hundred numbers can be found at the index to number meaning articles page.

Seeing certain numbers doesn't enhance or otherwise change the energy represented by the numbers being seen. In other words, seeing the number doesn't affect the energy.

"Seeing a number again and again" generally means a person remembers seeing the particular number when they don't remember the myriad other numbers they also see as they live life. They remember seeing the number because, when they see it, they recognize something about the number or otherwise give the number more thought or attention or assign more significance to the seeing than they do when noticing other numbers. Giving the number more attention is why a person remembers seeing the number. Giving a number more attention tends to make the number stick to the memory.

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