Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
1188 In My Life In Many Ways
There is a certain number that keeps popping up in my life. That number is 1188. 1188 was the last four digits of the last phone number my family just before we moved away from the town I grew up in. It was the last four digits of the phone number for a job I had and loved. It's the first four digits of my driver's license and the LAST four digits of my boyfriend's driver's license! Those are the more significant instances where it's popped up in my life. Can you tell me the significance of the number 1188?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, I can describe the numerology meaning of the number 1188. But first, let me describe how the number relates to you numerology profile.
Your numerology name number is 11. Your numerology personality number is 8. Your last name's numerology number is 8.
That may seem like stretching a bit to find correlations within the numerology profile. However, each is significant.
The number 11 is a spiritual number. Specifically, a spiritual teaching number. (Assuming a compatible background or sufficient education, the 11 generally can be an inspiring spiritual leader.)
The number 8 is a taking charge number, directing groups of people to achieve a desired society-benefitting goal. (Assuming sufficient education and experience, the 8 generally can be an effective chief operations officer for large companies.)
Your name number being 11 reveals a likelihood that you have more than a passing interest in the spiritual aspects of life on earth. It also reveals a tendency to let others know what you discover or realize during your spiritual journey.
The number 8 personality number brings a coordination and leadership aspect to the impression others get from you. That number doubled gives it more power than if it was by itself in the number 1188.
The doubling occurs with the number calculated for your last name, another 8. The last name number indicates the general vibration of your ancestors. It supports the impression people get from you with the actual vibrations supported by your ancestral name.
Thus, you have the number 11 enhanced with the number 8. And the 8 further supported by the foundation of your last name.
Now, let's get to the meaning of the number 1188 itself.
To determine the meaning of a number, the numerology essence of the number first needs to be found. To calculations for finding the numerology essence of a number is the reduction of the number to a single digit.
The way to reduce a number is to add together the individual digits of the number. Keep doing that until the total is less than 10.
For 1188, the process is:
1+1+8+8 = 18 1+8 = 9
Thus, the numerology essence of the number 1188 is represented by the number 9.
The number 9 resonates with mankind.
The number 9 is the most accepting and least judgmental of all numbers, knowing the neighbor and the person living in an alien culture have equal validity. The 9 is generous, inspiring, idealistic, intuitive, and sees the beauty in all things.
Now, let's reveal the underlying vibrations which support the 9.
The vibration of this number 9 comes from the number 1 twice and then the number 8 twice. The digits 1, 1, 8, and 8 are what the numerology essence of this number 9 is composed of.
The number 1 is a leader and self-reliant. The number 8 takes charge to create social works. When a number is repeated, it generally means it's force or the strength of its vibrations are doubled.
Thus, the number 9's numerology meaning is composed and supported by the strengthened vibrations of leadership/self-reliance and the strengthened vibrations of taking charge to create society-beneficial works.
Thus, the essence of 1188 is the idealistic and self-reliant creation of great social works.
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