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Reason or Significance for the Number 27

Image for 'Reason or Significance for the Number 27' numerology answer

My best friend's mom recently died suddenly of a heart attack. She died on [date removed]. Since the day before her death, the number 27 became really prevalent in a lot of areas. [name removed] died on the 27th, paperwork indicated that her father was born on the 27th, and other strange things. Is there any numerological reason or significance to this?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for you and your friend's loss. And I understand a need for reasons and meaning is being felt.

The number 27 is a wonderful number. But there is no numerological significance directly related to a person's death.

When a person notices a certain number and wonders about it, they assign significance to the number. Thereafter (so long as the number has a special significance) the number will be given special attention whenever it's seen among the myriad of numbers a person sees during the course of a day.

Giving the number special attention when it's seen makes it more likely to be remembered. The other numbers that were seen during the day, the ones with nothing notable about them, will be forgotten.

Of all the numbers a person sees during the course of a day, the numbers that are noted as having special significance are the numbers a person remembers seeing. It then seems to the person like the numbers are popping up everywhere — even when other numbers may be more prevalent but just not remembered when they're seen.

More information is in the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article.

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