Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
The Number 718
Hey how's it going? My birthday is July 18th which is the number 718. Many days out of the week I will see this number on the clock or on other things like license plates. Am I going crazy? Lol
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
No, not crazy. But perceptive and sensitive to energies that resonate with your birth date.
It's more common for people to notice the numbers of their birth date in their environment than may be generally thought to be the case.
Like attracts like. Thus, the numbers that are a part of you are more likely to be noticed when they are in your environment and available to your perception.
The numbers of your birth date affect the timing of your life period cycle and affects the cycle numbers of both your life period cycle and your pinnacle cycle. Your life period cycle number and your pinnacle cycle number will change in less than three years. Use the links to read up on them. Being prepared means you won't be surprised.
The meaning of the number 718 includes introspection and inner wisdom. A nice number.
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