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All on the 18th of the Month

I married someone born on the 18th day of the month. Just realized today that each of my children (4) also have significant others, each significant other has a birthday of the 18th day of the month. Seemed like it must have some kind of meaning.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, when such synchronicities occur, it does seem as though it must have some kind of meaning.

Like attracts like. That attraction may have been enough to influence chance the way it appears to have been influenced.

However there might be other meaning.

The meaning of the number 18 may provide a clue. Also the meaning of the number 9, as everybody born on the 18th day of the month has the number 9 for their second life period cycle.

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