Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

A Message I Don't Understand

I feel like I'm being sent a message that I don't understand. There are a lot of 17s in my life. The obvious is my day of birth. Then there's the fact I was born at 10:17 am. I rented a house without knowing the exact address for about two and a half years: after moving in, I found out that the address was 1717 North 17th Street. I've had a one or two other important events take place on a 17th street or on a 17th day. I haven't gone looking for it, but the number seems to dominate my life. Does this mean anything, or am I being silly?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Perhaps the message isn't an answer, but a stimulation to look for an answer. To my way of thinking (a personal idea, not numerological), it's not a message unless it's received. Certainly, the one or ones who are sending the message know what they're doing and would send a message that's both received and understood. If they don't know what they're doing, it may be prudent not to pay overly much attention to the message, anyway.

Numerology works by calculating things that are known.

What is known is the number your attention is fixed on, 17.

The number 17 is a builder of things that benefit civilization for many generations. It is a leader and it tends to look for answers within.

The number 17 resonates well, very well, almost identical, actually, to both your personality number and your first life cycle. (The personality number is calculated from your name. The first life cycle lasts for 27-36 years, the exact length of time depending on certain calculations involving your birthdate.)

Because the number 17 is part of your birthdate and resonates as well as it does with the mentioned two major numbers of your numerology profile, it's possible your synchronistic involvement with the number is from intrinsic attraction. (Intrinsic attraction is when events are inclined to happen a certain way — not that they always are able to, just that they tend to.)

On the other hand, there may be a message not discoverable with numerology.

If you feel attracted to do so, consider consulting a professional psychic or tarot reader.

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