Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Birthday Numbers Everywhere
11/26 is my birthday but I keep seeing these numbers everywhere and for months now, since maybe summer of last year and I can't seem to really figure out what it means, and it is getting stronger and stronger. 26 is more prevalent than 11. Example, I work at a call center and on a woman's profile she was on hold for 8:26 sec, last time she was on her online account was 11/26, last time she updated her address was 12/26, she was a member for 26yrs and the last four digits of her number was 1126 and was on the call for 2 hours and 26min. I then clocked out at exactly 11:26pm. I know the universe is telling me something but I don't know what. I try to be aware of what I am thinking, and doing at the time that I see these numbers but I come up with nothing. I have been having a really bad year so far, with family issues, hating my work, like bills, not having a place to stay, even with working full time at work and going to school full time, and stressed. I have been out of a relationship for four years but I have been getting closer with my friend [name and birth date removed]. We have been a great support system for each other. What I am looking for is an understanding of what this could mean, because I am failing and think that someone with some expertise can shine some light on this and at least spark a thought process that will lead me to my answer. I know you are very busy but I do want to say thank you for taking your time to help out, us confused ones. LOL
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Let me mention two things, then I'll link to pages with the numerological meanings of the number you're seeing.
Generally, people start seeing certain numbers when the numbers being seen have personal meaning or emotional significance. There's nothing unusual about that. The number is seen, recognized as a special number in relation to the self, and the seeing is remembered. In your case, the numbers are your birth date. See Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again for more information.
When a person keeps seeing the numbers repeatedly, again and again, it's generally because they wonder if seeing the number has a special meaning for them. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for how that works.
Seeing those numbers may indeed have special meaning for you. Unfortunately, numerology calculations don't extend into the psychic realm, so I can't help you with that.
However, I can link to pages that explain the numerological meaning of the numbers. Perhaps with those you'll be able to determine for yourself is there is indeed a special personal meaning for you or if you keep seeing the numbers because you are wondering if.
There are two pages with meanings for 11, because 11 is also a master number in certain situations. See the number 11 and the master number 11 articles for the number's meanings in both aspects.
The numerological meaning of 26 can be found in the number 26 article.
And also see the meaning of the number 1126.
In other aspects of your numerology chart, Your current predominant challenge number is the number 6. The 6 represents energies that, among other things, have to do with family.
Your current pinnacle number is the number 1, having to do with self-determinism. And your life period number is the number 2, having to do with relationships and teams.
Perhaps those will also provide insight for your current situation. Sometimes, the mere fact of understanding something takes the pressure off, which then provides room for other things, including solutions.
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