Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
4:04, 404, and April 4
Me and my ex started dating April 4th and now when I look at the clock I mostly see 4:04 or I just see the number 404 a lot. Why? What does this mean? [name and birth date removed]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It may be a situation of the numbers related to a significant event attracting your attention whenever they're in your environment.
The number 4 has another attraction, too. Both the heart's desire number and the life path number of your ex are the number 4. Those, resonating with the date's number 4s, may amplify the attraction.
As an aside, there are no number 4s at any major position of your own numerology chart, just in your ex's.
Wondering what it means can have a powerful pull, more than the subtle attraction of the start date and the 4s in your ex's numerology chart.
While the event attraction is likely to have caused your initial recognition of the time as corresponding to the date, wondering about it tends to put your attention to the numbers when they're available to be seen.
Mysteries are powerful in that way. The consciousness tends to be directed to anything related to the mystery, the tendency stimulated by the subconscious, presumably to help solve it.
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