Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Multiples of Like Numbers
If I encounter multiples of like numbers, for example time, 11:11 PM, or addresses, 333 Street. It gives me a feeling of dread. Why, do you suppose?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A feeling of dread is unnecessary. A person notices and remembers the numbers that are unique or remarkable, or that have personal meaning or emotional significance.
People see many different numbers during the course of a day. The remarkable ones are remembered. The rest are not; and it seems that one has seen only the ones that one remembers seeing.
Numerology doesn't have calculations to predict associations that may cause dread. Do understand, there is no numerological reason for feeling dread because certain numbers are seen and remembered.
Your destiny number is the master number 11. which may be a reason your conscious attention is drawn to the number 11 or the time 11:11 when they occur.
Your current pinnacle cycle number is the number 3, which may have a similar influence.
Other major numbers in your numerology chart are 6, 5, 7, 4, and 22.
One of the reasons a person sees certain types of numbers repetitively is because there's a mystery associated with it — a question that relates to the person's existence. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time. In essence, the mystery causes the conscious attention to be attracted to the very types of numbers the person has questions about.
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