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Number 47 or 74 Everywhere

Image for 'Number 47 or 74 Everywhere' numerology answer

I see the number 47 or 74 everywhere. On every of my screenshots as either the time or my phone's battery percentage. I see the combo when I open any book page. It is not the weird part yet. The weird part is that a guy that is my friend but who we got romantically involved together at a point, tho not anymore, also experiences the same thing. The same number combos. Is this special? What is happening?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Somehow, the number 47 or its mirror image, 74, has a meaning to you. Perhaps because 47 contains your birthday numbers.

In the beginning, you noticed the number and had a thought about it. Maybe it was a recognition that it represents your birthday. Maybe the number has an emotional significance. Maybe some other reason.

The thing is, you made a mental note of it. That extra mental attention caused you to remember seeing the number — unlike all the other numbers that crossed your attention that day but did not get remembered. Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again talks about that.

When you remember seeing a number and then also wonder why you saw it, you invest emotional significance. That emotional significance, on top of the reason you noticed it the first time, makes it highly more likely you will remember seeing the number every time you see it again. The more you wonder, the more you remember it when you see it. It seems to pop right up at you.

The digits of 47 and 74 mirror each other. One would remind you of the other, causing you to remember seeing it.

The guy that is your friend is likely to be close enough to you emotionally so when you discussed seeing the number he also wondered about it. Now, of course, he is likely to mentally note it whenever the number crosses his attention, and remembers seeing it.

See the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time web page for more information.

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