Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
910 and 911
In the past few years I have been seeing the numbers 911 and 910 a lot. 910 is the last numbers of my exboyfriend's phone number and ever since we broke up I've been seeing it a lot. I don't know if this is any relation, but my ex and I have the same birthday but different year. What does 910 and 911 mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your vowels number is a 9 and your name number is an 11. Perhaps that is a reason your consciousness is attracted to the number 911.
9 resonates with humanity as a whole more than other numbers do. 9 wants to support any causes that help humanity. 9 is also creative and can use drama effectively.
11 resonates with spiritual teaching. The number 11 reduces to the number
911 reduces to the number 2. (9+1+1=11, 1+1=2)
910 reduces to the number 1. (9+1+0=10, 1+0=1)
The number 1 resonates with independence and also with exploration and leadership.
The month and day being the same as your ex means your first two Life Cycle numbers are the same. That may be part of the attraction. Same vibrations attract same vibrations.
Life Cycle numbers indicate the presence of vibrations that will have an effect on the way you live life.
The first Life Cycle number is a 9 and lasts until year 2020 (which may be a different year for your ex, as the year of birth can change the transition year). A 9 Life Cycle tends to put the concerns of humanity into your life path and also opportunities to use drama as an art and as a tool for persuasion.
The second Life Cycle number is a 5 and lasts until year 2047 (again, may be different year for your ex). A 5 Life Cycle number tends to introduce new experiences into your life path, including some surprising ones. There is likely to be more travel during a 5 Life Cycle period.
I think there is nothing to be alarmed about regarding the number 911 and your tendency to notice it whenever it is present. The number resonates well with your name.
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