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Seeing 3-Digit Numbers That End With 11

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A couple of years ago I started seeing the numbers 911 and 711 on a regular bases, now I'm seeing 411, 511, 611, 211, etc. Not sure what this all means. I read about the numbers 911 and 711 and they both tell me roughly the same thing.. to stay positive as some thing it's about to change in my Life. Well nothing real good has happen to me during this time, My ex wife whom I love dearly has only 5 month left to live due to cancer and she's only 51, my wife lost her job over a year ago, my daughter who's 25 is struggling with depression and anxiety, she recently broke up with her common law husband and moved back home with me and her 3 year old boy. If anybody has an answer please let me know.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, all numbers represent energy that can be interpreted for meaning. Links to hundreds of web pages dedicated to individual number interpretations can be found at the number meanings index page. There is also an any-number calculator for numbers that don't have a dedicated web page.

However, the meaning of a number is not necessarily the same as the meaning of seeing the number.

Number meanings are interpretations of the energy individual numbers represent. On the other hand, "seeing a number" meanings are subjective, whatever a person says to themself that they mean.

Generally, a person repetitively sees a number because they wonder what it means to see the number and have not yet determined a meaning that they are satisfied with.

Consider the fact that a person sees many numbers during the course of a day. Sometimes a person remembers seeing certain numbers. The other numbers that are seen end up somewhere out of immediate memory.

Perhaps the reason you are unable to determine a reason you are satisfied with is because you are trying to answer the wrong question. Instead of "Why did I see 911?", try asking "Why do I remember seeing 911?"

The reason or reasons a person repetitively remembers seeing a certain number generally is one or more of the following:

  • The number has a special meaning for the person.

  • The number represents an emotional significance for the person.

  • There is an aspect about the number, perhaps the way the digits are arranged, that attracts attention.

Whatever the reason a person remembers seeing a number, whether or not one or more in the above list, the reason is sufficiently notable to cause a thought or mental recognition at the time the number is seen.

That thought or recognition makes seeing that particular number stand out from the other numbers that are seen. And it is the reason a person remembers seeing the number.


  • An example of a number with a special meaning is a person's birthday. It may also be the amount of money received for the first project done for a neighbor. Or any other number that has special meaning to the person.

  • An example of a number representing an emotional significance is the number of letters in the name of the person's first love. Or any other number with emotional significance attached to it — including wondering what it means when the number is seen repetitively.

  • Examples of aspects of numbers that attract attention are numbers like these: 1234, 12:21, 999. It can be any number that the person seeing it finds interesting or unique.

Any of those can become a repetitively remembered number, and become even more so if the person wonders why they are seeing the number so often.

See Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again and also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for more information.

In your case, it seems to me that this happened:

Seeing the numbers 911 and 711 was first remembered sometime in the past. (If you can recall back far enough, perhaps you can spot why you remembered seeing the numbers way back when.)

When you wondered why you remember seeing the numbers, you also attached additional emotional significance to the numbers. The additional significance made them even more likely to be remembered when they are seen again.

There seems to be a bit of desperation in finding out why you remember seeing those numbers. Perhaps the reason you now also remember seeing 411, 511, 611, 211, etc when they are in your environment is because of the similarity (3-digit numbers that end with "11") to the two numbers you are desperate to find the meaning for seeing, 911 and 711.

As stated, the meanings associated with "seeing" the number are subjective. There is no numerology calculation to determine subjective meaning.

It is likely that when you are satisfied with why you remember seeing certain numbers, the desperation and the wondering-why will be eliminated and the incidence of remembering the seeing of those particular numbers will gradually decrease.

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