Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Frequently Seeing My Birthdate 316
My birthdate is 316, I see this number so frequently that it sometimes creeps me out. I often times wake up in the middle of the night and it's 3:16. I have looked this number up in the bible to see the verse, thinking it was some kind of sign. I don't know. I am wondering what these sequence of numbers could possibly mean to me and why I am seeing them so frequently. Like watching a television show and the apartment number is 316, or looking in a catalog and seeing an alarm clock for sale with the time 3:16. It's creepy. Thank you for your attention in this regard.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number you're seeing is a number you're sensitized to.
Actually, you're seeing many numbers. But it's the number 316 that you remember seeing. If you were sensitized to a different number, it would be the different number you're seeing (that you would remember seeing).
People are more likely to remember seeing numbers that have personal meaning, emotional significance, or unusual composition. Your birth date is 316, which is likely to have personal meaning for you.
When people see a certain number, such as their birth date, one can imagine the mind saying to itself, "Oh, look! That's the same as my birthdate," and seeing the number is remembered.
When a person wonders if seeing the number has special meaning, that's when they get more sensitized to it. And they then remember seeing the number more often. And wonder about it even more. In an ever tightening spiral.
See the index page with links to articles about seeing the same number over and over again for more information.
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