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Early Morning Times with Repetitive Numbers on the Cable Box
I wake up out of a deep sleep and look at the cable box and it always has 1:11 or 2:22, 3:33 or 4:44 on it. The most common time that I wake to is 3:33. This has been going on for over a year now. My wake up time for work is 4:45A.M. 6 days a week. Sunday is sleep late day till 6 a.m. Please tell me how to stop this! It is becoming a daily event. I do not see the numbers at any other time of the day. Any help or ideas would be a great help! Thanks?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
One way to stop it is to cover the cable box so you can't see the time on it. And don't let yourself uncover it if you wake up in the middle of the night.
Let's see if we can find an acceptable answer regarding how seeing those times got started in the first place. So the stress doesn't wear you out and you don't have to go to the extreme of hiding the cable box.
The energies of your month of birth, first pinnacle cycle, first life period cycle, and destiny are all represented by the number 11. The number 11 is a master number. See the master number index page for links to master number-related articles. Especially read Four Meanings of the Master Number 11.
My thought is that the influence of the master number 11 being present in your numerology chart as much as it is, it's spiritual orientation may enhance your need for answers to mysteries.
When there's a mystery, the subconscious tries to direct the conscious attention to the subject of the mystery whenever it's available in the person's environment. See the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article for how that works.
The first early morning you saw a time composed of repetitive numbers, like you're seeing now, you may have wondered if it means something, perhaps wondering if there's an important personal meaning or message for you. Wondering about it sets up the mystery.
As the same and other repetitive numbers are seen on the clock, the mystery deepens. The more the mystery, the more often you see the times with repetitive numbers. The Seeing Numbers with All the Same Digits article provides more information about this aspect of repetitively seeing certain numbers.
If it seams plausible that that's what happened to get seeing the numbers started, the recognition can release stress. And it can release the importance associated with seeing the numbers so that seeing them in the future won't bother you anymore.
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