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Seeing Ex's Birthday Date on the Clock

Image for 'Seeing Ex's Birthday Date on the Clock' numerology answer

12:18 I see on the clock almost everyday when I look. Coincidentally it is also my ex husband's birthday date. Does it mean anything?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

When you see 12:18, you realize it is related to something or someone that has or previously had meaning for you, your ex.

In other words, you mentally note the time.

Noting the time makes it more likely that you remember having seen it. The other times, the ones you do not remember, do not elicit sufficient attention or mental recognition to be remembered.

The number 12 and the number 18 represent specific numerology energies (creativity and humanitarianism, respectively). But I think the meaning of the numbers themselves is less relevant, in this case, than the fact that you recognize the numbers as being a birth date.

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