Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
My business partner and I chose the number 3-6-9 for the name of our studio. Since then we have had many people tell us that the combination is a good one numerologically. We noticed that my partners license plate was coincidentally 369 and heard that the numbers had significance in catholic triad beliefs.
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What is a good number numerologically depends on what the number is applied to. The number 1 as a Pinnacle, for example, would be a good number for a leader. But a diplomat would find better use for the vibrations of the number 2.
3, 6, and 9 are the number of the three triads (number triads, I'm not familiar with Catholic triads). The first triad is 1-2-3, the second 4-5-6, and the third 7-8-9.
If your studio is a place where creativity is expressed in music, painting, decorating, or sculpting, then the 3 is indeed a good number. When this creativity provides direction to the community, it's resonating with the number 6. The number 9 has to do with philanthropy, bringing things to completion, and benefitting mankind. If the studio addresses those things, then it is true to the number 9.
Note that when 3, 6, and 9 are added together and then reduced to a single digit, the result is again the number 9. (3+6+9=18, 1+8=9)
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