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Always Seeing My Birth Date and Ex-wife's Birth Date

For a long time, I've always seen my birthday (8/24 or 8:24) on clocks, tv, etc. Now I'm beginning to see my ex wife's birthday also, which is 10/13 or 10:13. What does this all mean? Her name is [name removed] and her birthday is [birth date removed].

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A person is more likely to remember seeing numbers that have personal meaning or emotional significance. Probably both your birth date and your ex-wife's birth date fit in one or both of those categories. The Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article explains how that works.

People see many numbers during the course of a day. When only specific numbers are remembered, it seems as if those are the only ones being seen.

After a certain event happens, which I'll mention in a moment, a person sees the numbers even more often. Not only are they seen during the normal course of the day, but their conscious attention seems to be drawn with an extra compulsion to those numbers to make them noticed and remembered. The event that triggers this is when a person wonders why they're seeing the numbers.

Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time explains the primary reason people who see a certain number or numbers, then a bit later see the number more often and more often until it seems they see it all the time.

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