Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Master Numbers and Many Others
After many paranormal/spiritual events I couldn't explain throughout a traumatic childhood I really felt alone, wired & unwanted. I obsessively counted the #s 11 22 & 33 in the shape of an eye & never questioned it. I'm highly intuitive & after reading tarot for about 17 years I learned about numerology. On January 17th 2016, After downloading a numerology chart and studying the numbers my mind was blown away realizing my name & time of birth are all vibrations of 11s or multiples of:11-29, 7-13, 15/32. I've always been very intuitive and it really explains all the premonitions and strange coincidences. Now I'm always seeing the numbers pop up somewhere somehow! I will often see my moms #7:29 on the clock right when I'm asking her to let me know she knows what's going in my life and how much I miss her. Lately I've been seeing 13 & 9s... 137 today ALL OVER so what am I not aware of here? I can't seem to pinpoint it...
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Probably you're seeing the numbers you're seeing, not because you aren't aware of something, but because you are indeed aware of something.
A person sees lots of numbers during the course of a day. Some of those are remembered.
Generally, a number is remembered because there is something noteworthy about the number, something about the number that the person recognizes. Because the number got extra attention, it is more likely to be remembered.
Thus, because you are aware of something is the reason you remember seeing the number.
Things that can make a number noteworthy are numbers related to personal meaning, such as most of the numbers you mentioned in your question, emotional significance, such as wondering if seeing certain numbers has a special personal meaning, or pretty much any other reason a human can have to assign a special status or value to a certain number or numbers.
A few things about your chart:
I see one master number in your chart, at the personality position, the master number 11. That's the only master number I see. Perhaps the numerology chart you received was calculated with a different numerology practice (we use Pythagorean) or perhaps there was an error in name or birth date when you provided your information.
Your current pinnacle number is the number 7, the most intuitive number of all. The current pinnacle cycle began around this time last year and will last for nine years.
Around the time the pinnacle cycle changed for you, your delineated challenge number also changed. It is now the number 0. Your major (lifetime) overlapped challenge number is also the number 0. The energies the number 0 represents, among other things, resonates with the idea of infinity.
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