Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

The Meaning of 12:21

For the last 3-4 months, I have been seeing the number 12:21 regularly in my clock every night. Every night if I happen to see the clock, it's 12:21 am. And sometimes, during day also I happen to see 12:21 pm. So is there any meaning to it?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The meaning of the number 12 is independent creative expression and the meaning of the number 21 is cooperative creative expression. Both are social numbers, meaning they tend to get along well in social situations, even be the life of the party.

Putting the two together, however, makes a number with a different meaning. The meaning of the number 1221 is home, harmony, health, and idealistic viewpoints, with independence and cooperation mixed in.

Your heart's desire number 6 (calculated from the vowels of your name) resonates very much with the number 1221 except without the additional vibrations of independence and cooperation – home, harmony, health, and idealistic viewpoints. (Much independence and some cooperation are elsewhere in your numerology profile, just not in the heart's desire number.)

However, there is no major number in your numerology profile that resonates with 12 or 21, until year 2024. At the beginning of that year, your life cycle number becomes 3, which resonates very much with the numbers 12 and 21 except without the additional vibrations of independence and cooperation – creative expression and social interaction. (As before, independence and cooperation are elsewhere in your numerology profile, just not in the life cycle number.)

There is always meaning to things. The ability to see how they do or do not apply to the life you are currently living is only available to you.

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