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Seeing 711 for Years

Image for 'Seeing 711 for Years' numerology answer

As a child my sister [birth name and date removed] and I were inseparable. Being so close in age we did everything together. 711 sightings started with me (age 11) and began happening to her weeks later (age 12). 711 was seen everywhere, every day, at school, the time on the clock, heard it on TV, radio, billboards, mile markers, cards, receipts, 18-wheelers, taxis, grocery store, phone numbers. I mean the list of the "coincidental" places it was seen could go on & on. We thought it was neat but kept it to ourselves at first, discussing what it could mean, if anything, seeing how we didn't believe in coincidences. "Everything happened for a reason". I personally never looked for it. Heather said she didn't either. It found us?? If that makes sense. It happened whether we were together, or not (but our experiences together will always be cherished.) For no reason at all our eyes would go directly to it. Never failed :/ My Heather passed away in a car wreck on [date removed], at age 18. To say the least, a huge part of me also died that day. Up until then we both still saw it and to this day at age 21 I see 711 several times a week if not everyday, mainly when she is on my mind or during one of my "Heather" moments (good, bad, funny or sad). Any thoughts or comments are welcomed & greatly appreciated.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss.

I'm glad you shared this story. It illustrates a potential effect of people's quest for meaning.

People do see certain numbers repetitively. Many ask me about it.

Virtually everybody sees many numbers during the course of a day.

However, most of the numbers seen during the day aren't memorable. Seeing them is forgotten.

Sometimes, though, the seeing of a number is remembered.

Generally, when a number is remembered, it's a number with personal meaning, emotional significance, or there is something about it that makes it memorable — examples are repetitive digits, digit sequence, similarity to something, or it stimulates a memory.

Whatever the reason, the person remembers seeing the number.

Probably the circumstances were such that made the number 711 memorable, or 711 had a special connection for you, when you first saw the number.

Sharing your seeing of 711 with your sister gave the number personal meaning or enhanced what was already there. Wondering why you saw it provided emotional significance.

Both of those aspects being associated with 711, of course you saw it more often — remembered seeing it when you saw it in your environment.

When people see a number repetitively, it can feel like it's impossible to be just coincidence. It often seems as if the number is finding them or following them.

But the fact is, they are remembering it when they see that number and not remembering when they see other numbers.

Remembering the seeing of only one number out of a myriad of numbers makes it seem as if only that number has meaning. And it does have meaning — the number is associated with personal importance or emotional significance.

The meaning is not in the fact of seeing the number, it's in the reason behind why the number was remembered when it was seen. Without the meaning, the number is unlikely to have been remembered.

The more a person wonders what the meaning is, the more the person is inclined to remember the number when it's seen.

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