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So Much Information About Seeing 1234

I always see the same numbers, though presented in different combinations and sequences throughout the day. It is constant. I will see 1234, sometimes in that order, and also in different orders. I also see 34 and 43. This occurs on a constant basis, even if I wake up and check the time. It seems there is so much information regarding scenarios like this, it's hard to narrow the information down.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, there is a lot of information out there about why a person sees certain numbers more often than seems natural. Different people using different approaches trying to answer what seem to be pressing questions.

Let me present my approach. It's a simple one.

People see lots of different numbers during the course of a day. They don't retain a memory of seeing most of them.

But one or a few numbers stick out. These are numbers with an unusual or odd composition (like "1234"), numbers with personal meaning, or numbers with emotional significance.

The numbers that stick out are the ones that are remembered. A person begins seeing certain numbers again and again by repeatedly recognizing and remembering the numbers.

That's all well and good.

But something happens when a person begins to wonder if seeing those numbers has a special meaning for them — perhaps a personal message trying to be delivered, or a warning, or other auspicious or inauspicious implication.

A mystery is created. And it can seem imperative to solve the mystery.

The person then tends to see the number or numbers even more often — until it seems like they're seeing it all the time.

Their subconsciousness is compelled to solve mysteries that might have an impact on the person's existence. It tries to direct the person's conscious attention to it whenever the number is in the environment to be noticed.

The reason you're seeing 1234 and variations of it so often may be two-fold. (1) Those types of numbers, being composed of almost half of the digits available, are in the environment a lot. And (2), the need to solve what's perceived to be a vital question tends to make sure you see and remember the numbers virtually every time they're available to be seen.

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