Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Numbers Have Always Ruled My Life
Numbers have always ruled my life...I've always seen myself as an 8...when I started dating this guy I would see 8's everywhere...it had been a while before I saw so many 8's....then came the 3's and the 5's....mainly 38, 58, 358...I have been in this romantic situation for some time now and it is becoming increasingly difficult to see the outcome...we are very connected and at times I think he can hear my thoughts...what do these numbers have to do with us? Are we meant to be? [name and birth date removed]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
To respond to your last question first, cosmic intention or purpose isn't part of numerology calculations. Perhaps a competent psychic or tarot reader can help with that.
I can, however, make this statement without using numerology: What is always is meant to be. Otherwise, it wouldn't be that way. Because you are, you are meant to be.
Whether or not your romantic situation is meant to continue or evolve into something even more substantial or committed will depend in large part on what you and he do about it. What is meant and personal actions are intertwined.
We aren't puppets. We make our own future by what we do, the actions we take. Promises don't make futures. Only actions make futures.
One of the reasons you feel so connected and comfortable with him is both of your names begin with the same 5 letters. The first letters have very much to do with how a person approaches life. With a similar approach, you would tend to get along quite well.
8 is a number of getting stuff done. You have the wherewithal to determine how that translates to accommodate your experience.
When other numbers start being seen, each with their own meaning, it may be an indication that your focus is being eased.
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